Upcoming Webinars

Contact: Education
[email protected]

NAHB Education offers a variety of dynamic webinars throughout the year. Upcoming webinars include:

Single-Family New Homes Programs: Federal Incentives | ENERGY STAR | DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes
April 16 | 1-2 p.m. ET

This webinar will introduce you to the single-family new homes versions of EPA’s ENERGY STAR and DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Homes programs. Certification to these programs is a prerequisite to earning the updated 45L New Energy Efficient Home Credit.

Multifamily New Construction Programs: Federal Incentives | ENERGY STAR | DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes
April 17 | 1-2 p.m. ET

This webinar will introduce you to the multifamily new construction versions of the EPA’s ENERGY STAR and DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Homes programs. Certification to these programs is a prerequisite to earn the updated 45L New Energy Efficient Home Credit.

Energy Efficiency for Remodelers: Federal Incentives | ENERGY STAR Home Savings Tool and Home Upgrade
April 18 | 1-2 p.m. ET

This webinar will introduce remodelers to the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade and a new web tool to connect American households to improved home efficiency and comfort along with the many significant incentives available through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Free Webinar Replays

Complimentary, on-demand recordings of recent NAHB webinars are available.

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