Multifamily Pillars of the Industry Awards Categories


Multifamily Pillars of the Industry Awards
Contact: Multifamily Pillars of the Industry Awards
[email protected]

Category Descriptions

Below are brief descriptions or characteristics used to identify projects in each category. Please note that the descriptions are kept short due to the creativity and variability across multifamily developments.

  • Affordable Awards


    • Best Affordable Apartment Community (Up to 100 Units)
    • Best Affordable Apartment Community (Over 100 Units)

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  • Multifamily Firm Awards


    • Multifamily Development Firm of the Year
    • Multifamily Property Management Firm of the Year
    • Multifamily Builder of the Year

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  • Market-Rate Multifamily Projects


    • Best Garden Apartment Community (Four Stories or Less)
    • Best Low-Rise Apartment Community (Non-Garden, Five Stories or Less)
    • Best Mid-Rise Apartment Community (Six-Nine Stories)
    • Best High-Rise Apartment Community (10+ Stories)
    • Best Condominium Community

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  • Special Category Multifamily Projects


    • Best Student Rental Multifamily Community

    • Best 55+ Multifamily Community

    • Best Mixed-Use Community

    • Best Multifamily Repositioning/Redevelopment/Adaptive Reuse

    • Best Multifamily Community Amenities

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