NAHB Commends Final DOE Transformer Efficiency Rule

Contacts: Elizabeth Thompson
[email protected]
(202) 266-8495

Stephanie Pagan
[email protected]
(202) 266-8254

Carl Harris, chairman of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and a custom home builder from Wichita, Kan., issued the following statement after the Department of Energy issued its final rule regarding new energy efficiency standards for distribution transformers:

“NAHB commends the Department of Energy for listening to the concerns of home builders who cited soaring costs and shortages of distribution transformers that are delaying housing projects across the nation and increasing construction costs. The final rule issued today represents an improvement over what was initially proposed and should deliver practical efficiency gains without further exacerbating ongoing supply challenges in the distribution transformer marketplace. We urge the administration and Congress to now shift its focus toward addressing ongoing distribution transformer supply shortages that are hampering the ability of builders to bring much needed housing to the market.”