NAHB Young Professionals

Engage with like-minded home building professionals from across the country looking to connect and grow their network, businesses and careers.

Grow Your Leadership Skills

The Young Professionals committee makes membership a must for home building professionals under 45 by providing guidance on mentoring, leadership training and additional educational tools and lessons from peer industry professionals.

Are you a member in good standing interested in serving on the Young Professionals Committee? Learn more.


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A picture of young professionals having a conversation

Young Professional Initiatives

Get engaged in the programs and initiatives created for leaders ages 45 and youngers.

A picture of young professionals having a conversation

Foster Leadership Locally

Grow your leadership base by starting a Young Professionals group at your local HBA.

Student Chapter Membership

Student members gain enriching educational experiences with industry leaders. 

Keep Up With the Latest

Request the latest e-blasts for Young Professionals by emailing Net Member Growth Manager Rachel MacKenzie.

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Prioritize Your Mental Health

NAHB is proud to partner with MANUAL, an organization tackling the mental health crisis by creating evidence-based content built for men.